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Lumut Power Plant held its Annual Health, Security, Safety and Environment Day (HSSE Day) on 4 October 2018. The objective of the event is to raise awareness on HSSE.
Before the start of the event, the staff participated in the emergency evacuation drill, where everyone was required to evacuate the building and gather at the plant’s assembly point. After the drill was concluded, everyone made their way to the venue that was set up for the event.
The Plant Manager of LPP, En. Mohd Salehuddin Bin Abu Bakar updated everyone on LPP’s safety achievements. One of the key achievements is the nomination of LPP in one of the categories for the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Excellence Award, which is a national award conferred to organisations in various sectors with outstanding workplace health and safety record. LPP is in the final stage of the evaluation before the Award Committee from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) announces the winners of the awards sometime in November 2018.
Another notable achievement was, the clocking of 435,485 safety manhours without any LTI or “near miss” as at 30 September 2018. En. Salehuddin said, “the good safety track record at LPP cannot be achieved without the collective effort from all of us. We should continue to create HSSE awareness to increase the level of safety at the workplace.”
During the event, the plant presented the “HSSE Best Staff Award 2018” to En. Azmi bin Din, Safety & Security Officer. The award was based on his involvement in identification, evaluation and control of hazard (HIRAC), as well as his collaborative and proactive effort in influencing and improving safety at the workplace.
The Best In-House Contract Staff Award 2018 was given to En. Mohamad Rosdi bin Azim and this award was based on his active participation in safety promotional programmes in the workplace, his discipline in executing his job safely, and compliance with the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to LPP clinching the OSH Excellence Award 2018.