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- Futsal Tournament 2017
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Futsal Tournament 2017 5 May 2017
- Karnival Sukan Rakyat Malakoff 2012
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Karnival Sukan Rakyat Malakoff 2012 31 May 2012
- Integrated Annual Report 2023 | Malakoff
Integrated Annual Report 2023 OUR LEADERSHIP HOW TO CREATE VALUE OUR PERFORMANCE 18TH AGM DOWNLOADS More OUR LEADERSHIP Our Leadership It gives me great pleasure to present Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff or the Group)’s Integrated Annual Report 2023. For the year ended 31 December 2023, Malakoff recorded a revenue of RM9,067.0 million, a 12.4% year-on-year decrease from RM10,355.2 million in 2022, and a Loss After Tax and Minority Interests (LATMI) of RM837.2 million from RM302.2 million of PATMI in 2022. Nevertheless, given our firm commitment to shareholder value creation, the Board approved an interim dividend of 1.50 sen per ordinary share, during the second quarter results announcement in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2023 (FY2023). This translates into approximately RM73.3 million and was subsequently paid in October 2023, reflecting our dedication to deliver value despite the challenges we faced. In addition, the Board approved a final dividend in respect of FY2023 of 1.50 sen per ordinary share, which will be paid in May 2024. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali Chairman Download Chairman’s Message The events that carried us through 2023 illustrated the vital role of being adaptable and agile in the face of uncertainties. Throughout 2023, our steadfast focus on responsible growth remained the cornerstone of our strategic initiatives. Aligned with our aspiration to transform into a sustainably conscious organisation, we focused on expanding our RE and environmental solutions business through continuous collaboration and partnerships. We also dedicated efforts to instilling circular economy awareness among Malaysians. As part of the Malakoff 2.0 Strategic Transformation, we established clear goals – to reach an RE capacity of 1,400 MW by 2031 and achieve 15% to 20% recycling rate by 2025 from waste collected by our subsidiary, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd. Anwar Syahrin Abdul Ajib Managing Director & Group Chief Executive Officer (MD & GCEO) Download MD & GCEO’s Statement How We Create Value Operating Landscape Stakeholder Engagement Material Matters Value Creation Model Our Strategy Key Risks and Mitigation Material matters are issues that are considered significant to our stakeholders and relevant to how Malakoff creates longterm value. Understanding these matters are crucial as they direct our focus towards issues critical to the sustainability of our external environment while aligning with our corporate objectives. Material Matters VOLATILITY IN ENERGY COMMODITY PRICES Looking ahead, Malakoff’s commitment to diversifying its energy production portfolio, including investments in RE sources, positions the organisation to better withstand the uncertainties of the global energy market. The continued volatility in energy commodity prices underscores the importance of strategic planning, operational flexibility and the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions in navigating the complexities of the energy sector. Volatility In Energy Commodity Prices Looking ahead, Malakoff’s commitment to diversifying its energy production portfolio, including investments in RE sources, positions the organisation to better withstand the uncertainties of the global energy market. The continued volatility in energy commodity prices underscores the importance of strategic planning, operational flexibility and the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions in navigating the complexities of the energy sector. Employees Communities/General Public Shareholders/Analysts/Investment Community Government Contractors & Vendors Rating Agencies And Financial Institutions Media Customers/Clients Value Creation Model Our Strategy Key Risks and Mitigation How We Create Value HOW WE CREATE VALUE Our Performance Financial Review Business Review Sustainability Review Read more Read more Read more Environmental Empowering Our People and Supporting Our Communities Governance Read more Social Transitioning to a Cleaner Energy and Circular Economy Future Embedding Sustainable, Innovative Business Practices and Acting with Integrity RM 10355.2 RM 9067.0 Read more Our Performance OUR PERFORMANCE 18th Annual General Meeting Boardroom Venue The Boardroom, Level 7, Block 4, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Date 25 April 2024 (Thursday) Time 10.00 A.M Add to Google Calendar Add to iCalendar 18th AGM DOWNLOADS Downloads Integrated Annual Report 2023 Overview of Malakoff From Our Leadership How We Create Value Notice of the 18th AGM Administrative Details Circular to Shareholders Proxy Form Our Performance Commitment To Strong Governance
- Safety Day at TBPP TBEPP 2018
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Safety Day at TBPP TBEPP 2018 3 December 2018
- Accolades | Malakoff Corporation Berhad | Kuala Lumpur
Leading our nation towards a cleaner, brighter future. Accolades A trip down memory lane of a list of achievements earned through tenacity, passion and commitment demonstrated by #TeamMalakoff. Select Year The Forward Faster Sustainability Awards 2024 Pioneer Sustainable Development Action Recognition Sustainability and CSR Malaysia Awards 2024 Company of the Year (Energy Generation) for Community Care and Environmental Conservation The Forward Faster Sustainability Awards 2024 The Forward Faster Sustainability Award - Anti-Corruption Anugerah Integriti, Governans dan Antirasuah (AIGA) 2023 Anugerah Emas Peringkat Kebangsaan Enlit Asia Award 2024 Independent Power Producer of the Year 2024 Enlit Asia Award 2023 Independent Power Producer of the Year 1 2 3 ... 9 1 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 9
- Malakoff Hosts Bowling Tournament with KeTTHA and EC
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Hosts Bowling Tournament with KeTTHA and EC 28 September 2017 On 29 September 2017, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) organized a friendly bowling tournament with the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water (KeTTHA) and the Energy Commission (EC) at ARL Bowl, Alamanda, Putrajaya. The annual event was part of our engagement effort to reinforce our working relationship and rapport with the agencies through sporting activity. A total of 60 bowlers were split into 15 teams took part in the tournament and everyone determined to score the highest pin falls in the quest to become the winners of the night. En. Mohd Hafiz Abdul Mutalib bagged the best bowlers for KeTTHA in individual category with a total of 286 pin falls and En. Mokhtar Mohd Nor from EC with 317 pin falls. For Group category, Group 4 which consisted of Mohd Shahrizal Abd Rahman (KeTTHA), Mohd Khairuddin Ahmad (EC), Zaihan Ismail (EC) and Muhammad Ridhauddin Ahmad (MCB) won the first place with the score of 1127 points. Prizes to all winners were presented by Ir. Mohd Shokri Daud, Senior Vice President of Local Generation Division, Malakoff. Pn. Ernny Erniati Mohd Sayuti from KeTTHA was pleased with the overall event. “I had a great time today and this bowling event helped all parties to catch-up and mingle around in a more relaxed environment. I also met up with new friends and released stress after a productive day at work,” she added. Malakoff would like to thank all especially KeTTHA and EC for participating in this friendly bowling tournament. See you again next year!
- Karnival Sukan Rakyat Merapatkan Warga Malakoff dan penduduk Kampung Segari
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Karnival Sukan Rakyat Merapatkan Warga Malakoff dan penduduk Kampung Segari 13 April 2016 Pada 19 Mac 2016, Karnival Sukan Rakyat Segari, telah diadakan di padang Sekolah Kebangsaan Segari, Perak. Acara ini telah dianjurkan oleh Malakoff dengan kerjasama Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) Kg. Segari. Para peserta yang terdiri daripada penduduk Kg. Segari dan warga kerja Loji Janakuasa Lumut (LPP), salah satu loji janakuasa milik Malakoff, telah berkumpul seawal 8 pagi untuk mendaftar dan menyertai karnival tersebut. Perasmian karnival tersebut telah disempurnakan oleh Ketua Polis Daerah Manjung, DCP Tg Mohd Zailan Bin Tg Ahmad. Karnival tersebut telah menarik perhatian lebih 400 orang, sama ada yang hadir untuk menyertai acara-acara karnival ataupun sekadar memberi sokongan kepada ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan yang bertanding. Antara acara-acara sukan rakyat yang dipertandingkan adalah boling kelapa, isi air dalam botol, cari syiling dalam tepung, mengail botol dalam besen air dan lontar belon berisi air. Para peserta mempamerkan semangat kesukanan yang tinggi dan saling membantu satu sama lain bagi menjuarai acara-acara berpasukan yang dipertandingkan. Warga kerja Malakoff juga mengambil peluang ini untuk beramah mesra bersama para penduduk dalam suasana santai. Wakil Malakoff, Muhammad Ridzwan Jahaya, Ketua Bahagian Pengeluaran, Loji Janakuasa Malakoff menyatakan rasa syukur di atas kelancaran pelaksanaan karnival tersebut. “Penganjuran karnival ini bertujuan untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturrahim di antara warga kerja Malakoff dan penduduk setempat melalui aktiviti riadah. Karnival ini juga adalah tanda penghargaan kami terhadap masyarakat setempat yang telah menerima kewujudan kami di sini selama hampir dua dekad.” Tok Sidang Kg. Segari, Zailani Zenon, turut berbesar hati di atas kesudian pihak Malakoff untuk mengadakan aktiviti sebegini bersama penduduk setempat. “Bagi pihak penduduk Kg. Segari, saya ingin merakamkan ucapan tahniah dan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada pihak Malakoff di atas penganjuran acara sebegini. Terlalu banyak budi yang telah pihak Malakoff taburkan demi pembangunan sosio-ekonomi masyarakat setempat sejak Malakoff bertapak di bumi Segari.” Karnival tersebut diakhiri dengan upacara penyampaian hadiah kepada pemenang-pemenang dan jamuan makan tengah hari yang disediakan secara gotong royong oleh penduduk kampung.
- Malakoff 17km Penang Run 2012
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff 17km Penang Run 2012 24 March 2012
- Shariman Yusuf Mohamed Zain
Leading our nation towards a cleaner, brighter future. Back Shariman Yusuf Mohamed Zain Chief Executive Officer - Alam Flora Sdn. Bhd. Encik Shariman brings with him almost 30 years of experience in strategic leadership, operational excellence and innovation, with the last role being the Managing Director of Edgenta Propel Berhad, a key player in infra services business in the country. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics & Political Science as Shell Malaysia scholar. He was chosen to undergo the Global Leadership Programme at Cranfield University in 2015 and the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School in 2023. His wealth of knowledge, experience and stewardship would help Alam Flora attain greater heights, in the country’s environmental industry and sustainable agenda.
- Renewable Energy Locations | Malakoff Corporation Berhad | Kuala Lumpur
Committed to serving your needs. Back Renewable Energy Locations
- Malakoff Supports the Community in Pontian Glow Run
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Supports the Community in Pontian Glow Run 27 April 2017 Running has been previously seen as a sports that demands a strong physical and mental condition in order for one to endure the long distance and challenging terrain. However, it has now become a sporting activity that can be participated by people from all walks of life, from children to senior citizens, with varying abilities. On 28 April 2017, Malakoff, in its continuous commitment to the communities where it holds its operation, contributed RM20,000 to Pontian Glow Run that was organized by Majlis Daerah Pontian and Pejabat Belia dan Sukan Daerah Pontian. The event was held to encourage members of the public to exercise and lead a healthy and active lifestyle. At least 1,000 runners, comprised of participants from various local government agencies, local community and a team of twenty runners from Malakoff, turned up for the 5km fun run that started and ended at Dataran Majlis Daerah Pontian. A short Zumba workout, an exercise that combines cardio and dance, served as a warm-up for the participants and psyched them for the run. The runners were then flagged off at 10pm by YBhg. En. Muzaizi bin Hj. Mohammad, Pegawai Belia dan Sukan Daerah Pontian. Many of them donned the event’s glow-in-the-dark t-shirt and other glow-in-the-dark items that were thrown in with their running kits, such as safety LED light, glow sticks, glow sunglass and glow watch. These added colours to the runners as they zipped through the town of Pontian to finish their run. Some runners were fast, while others took their own sweet time to finish it as this was not a race but most importantly, it was a show of camaraderie within the Pontian community. As they crossed the finish line, each runner were presented with a unique event medal as a proof that they completed the run. Mohamad Noh Sagiman, an avid runner and a personnel at Malakoff’s Tanjung Bin Power Plant, was excited to participate in this inaugural event. “Pontian Glow Run brings the community together in a relaxed atmosphere and we are thrilled to be a part of this one-of-a-kind fun run in Pontian.” Also present at the event were Tuan Haji Khalid, representative of ADUN Benut and En Muniri, representative of Majlis Daerah Pontian. Photos courtesy of Pejabat Belia dan Sukan Pontian Facebook page.
- Celebrating the 100th freight
Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Celebrating the 100th freight 28 July 2008 The morning was greeted by blue sky strewn with white clouds that looked like streamers on a beautiful sunny day. Committee members were rehearsing for the memorable event and making last minute changes to the setting. The smell of durians wafted around the white “big top”-like tents. They were all in order to celebrate Tanjung Bin Power Plant(TBPP)’s commemoration of the 100th coal shipment to the plant yesterday. The celebration marked one of the major milestones for the plant as it is seen as an achievement for TBPP despite the many teething problems they had encountered at the beginning of its operations. 100 is a mark of a century, and this 100th shipment is a symbol of significant achievement for the plant, that they have been through thick and thin together and even after the 100th mark, they are still going strong and with God’s grace, will be able to operate for more years to come. Durians served at the lunch Since their first coal shipment approximately two and half years ago, where they took more than 48 hours to unload coal from the ship, now it takes them on average 36 hours to do so. Coal unloading jetty at TBPP TBPP also has their own coal unloading jetty to unload coal from ship to coal yard. The jetty has been accorded the Private Jetty License by Kastam Diraja Malaysia and duly issued with a Jetty Operating License by Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor, and it also complied with the International Code for the Security of Port and Ships Facilities (ISPS Code) as certified by Marine Department of Malaysia. To our esteemed colleagues at TBPP, congratulations on this great achievement and we pray that TBPP will enjoy more successes in its operations in the future.