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  • Bolasepak Persahabatan Antara Malakoff dan Suruhanjaya Tenaga 2014

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Bolasepak Persahabatan Antara Malakoff dan Suruhanjaya Tenaga 2014 12 June 2014

  • Majlis Silaturrahim Antara Penduduk Kampung Kawasan Satu Mukim Serkat Dengan Malakoff Corporation Berhad

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Majlis Silaturrahim Antara Penduduk Kampung Kawasan Satu Mukim Serkat Dengan Malakoff Corporation Berhad 9 July 2011 Oleh: Che Wan Nurul Ain Shuhada Che Wan Razlan Malakoff Corporation Berhad (MCB) mengambil inisiatif terpuji menganjurkan salah satu program bersama komuniti setempat di sekitar stesen janakuasanya Tanjung Bin dengan kerjasama ahli JKKK serta penduduk Kampung Mukim Serkat Kawasan 1, Pontian, pada 8-10 Julai 2011. Program ini, yang juga dikenali sebagai Majlis Silaturrahim, mendapat sokongan penuh dan kelulusan daripada En Zainal Abidin Jalil, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Malakoff Corporation Berhad. Majlis Silaturrahim yang berlangsung selama tiga hari itu, iaitu bermulanya pada hari Jumaat (8 Julai) yang lepas dan berakhir pada Ahad semalam di Dewan Kampung Sungai Chengkih, adalah sebahagian daripada inisiatif dan tanggungjawab pihak Malakoff terhadap komuniti setempat, secara tidak langsung merealisasikan matlamat syarikat di bawah Program Tanggungjawab Sosial Malakoff atau sinonimnya dikenali sebagai Malakoff Community Partnerships (MCP). Bersesuaian dengan nama program kemasyarakatan ini, iaitu Majlis Silaturrahim, pihak Malakoff sangat berbesar hati telah turun padang bersama-sama penduduk kampung dengan menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti yang telah diadakan oleh pihak JKKK bagi mencapai objektif utama program ini iaitu mengeratkan silaturrahim antara penduduk kampung yang tinggal berhampiran dengan stesen janakuasa dengan kakitangan Malakoff Corporation Berhad. Kepelbagaian Aktiviti Pelbagai aktiviti yang telah diadakan sepanjang program ini berlangsung termasuklah pertandingan badminton dan takraw, gotong-royong yang turut disertai oleh kakitangan Malakoff, pertandingan gubahan dan masakan, serta pertandingan melukis dan mewarna bagi golongan kanak-kanak. Aktiviti gotong-royong meliputi aktiviti mengecat dan melakukan pembersihan di kawasan Masjid Jamek Sungai Dinar di kampung tersebut. Bagi aktiviti-aktiviti lain seperti pertandingan badminton dan takraw yang telah diadakan pada hari Jumaat dan Sabtu, ianya telah mendapat sambutan yang sangat menggalakkan daripada penduduk kampung. Sebanyak 16 kumpulan telah menyertai pertandingan ini termasuk 2 kumpulan dari Malakoff. Tidak ketinggalan juga dengan pertandingan gubahan dan masakan yang turut mendapat sokongan yang menggalakkan daripada penduduk kampung, termasuklah golongan remaja. Dengan adanya pertandingan atau aktiviti yang sebegini, penduduk kampung berpeluang menunjukkan bakat dan kreativiti masing-masing. Malakoff sangat menitikberatkan soal pendidikan anak muda yang akan menjadi pewaris bangsa di masa akan datang. Di dalam program ini juga diselitkan dengan acara penyampaian cek kepada anak-anak muda kampung yang telah berjaya mendapat tawaran kemasukan ke institusi pengajian awam (IPTA). Sumbangan ini adalah inisiatif tetap di bawah Tanggungjawab Sosial Malakoff (MCP). Ianya bertujuan untuk menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar di kampung berkenaan belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan berharap agar graduan yang dihasilkan adalah berkualiti seterusnya dapat diserap masuk bekerja dengan Malakoff suatu hari nanti. Ianya selaras dengan matlamat Malakoff yang telah mensasarkan sebahagian kakitangan pekerjanya terdiri daripada masyarakat setempat. Malakoff sentiasa menghulurkan apa jua bentuk sumbangan dalam meringankan beban masyarakat setempat. Seramai 10 orang penerima sumbangan termasuk 8 pelajar yang bakal memasuki IPTA serta 2 orang golongan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU). Kesemua cek sumbangan telah disampaikan oleh wakil dari Malakoff, Tuan Haji Sharifuddin Othman. Tok Penghulu Rasa Bangga Dengan Keprihatinan Malakoff Program ini turut mendapat reaksi positif daripada Ketua Mukim Serkat (Kawasan Satu) iaitu Tok Zaini bin Mohd Suhaimi menerusi ucapan beliau di majlis penutup program ini yang berlangsung pada Ahad semalam. Dalam ucapan beliau, beliau melahirkan rasa bangga dengan prestasi dan keprihatinan yang ditunjukkan oleh Malakoff sejak dulu lagi. Walaupun pihaknya telah banyak menerima peruntukan daripada pihak-pihak syarikat yang lain sebelum ini, tetapi Malakoff adalah satu syarikat yang paling banyak membantu dan peka dengan keadaan sekeliling, iaitu dari segi kebajikan masyarakat setempat, sebagai contoh, Malakoff telah membantu penduduk nelayan dengan membina jeti, dan paling membuat beliau bangga adalah keprihatinan Malakoff terhadap pentingnya pendidikan di kalangan anak-anak muda. Turut kelihatan bagi menjayakan program ini adalah Tuan Haji Ramli bin Abu, Pengurus Pengeluaran, mewakili Stesen Janakuasa Tanjung Bin bersama-sama kakitangan yang lain seperti Tuan Haji Khairuddin Sabikin, Norinshah Haron, Nor Azamimah Yahaya, Salmah Abdul Wahab, Suhaimi Adnan, Muhamad Shah Ayob serta rakan-rakannya turut turun ke padang bagi menjayakan aktiviti kemasyarakatan ini. Pihak Malakoff sangat berbangga dengan sepanjang perjalanan program ini. Walaupun pada hari ketiga iaitu di majlis penutupan program ini hujan kelihatan agak lebat, namun program tetap berjalan seperti yang dirancangkan. Kepujian harus diberikan kepada Puan Norinshah Haron iaitu dari bahagian pentadbiran, kakitangan Stesen Janakuasa Tanjung Bin kerana beliau merupakan tulang belakang yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan bagi mengendalikan keseluruhan perjalanan program ini. Cukup buat kami semua terharu apabila beliau bersama-sama rakan-rakan yang lain telah mengorbankan masa bersama keluarga bagi memastikan program kemasyarakatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dari peringkat perancangan, pembungkusan hadiah sehinggalah tamatnya program ini berlangsung. Bantuan Tambahan Dari Segi Akademik Apa yang lebih menarik di sekitar majlis ini adalah wakil dari Malakoff iaitu Tuan Haji Sharifuddin Othman dan Encik Yusop Rashid, Ketua Hal Ehwal Korporat dan Hubungan Luar telah berbincang dan mengambil keputusan yang menggembirakan penduduk kampung dan keputusan yang diumumkan mendapat tepukan yang gemuruh daripada para hadirin. Antara pengumuman yang telah dibuat oleh Tuan Haji Sharifuddin Othman dalam ucapan beliau sewaktu penutupan Majlis Silaturrahim ini adalah pihak Malakoff telah bersetuju untuk membayar yuran persekolahan sepenuhnya pada tahun hadapan kepada golongan penduduk kampung yang miskin dan tidak mampu menyara pembiayaan akademik anak mereka dan pihak Malakoff akan bekerjasama dengan pihak sekolah bagi mendapat maklumat mengenai latar belakang pelajar berkenaan. Selain daripada itu, pihak pengurusan Malakoff juga telah bersetuju untuk memberi bantuan buku teks untuk sekolah agama rendah dan menengah di kawasan berkenaan serta mewujudkan skim pinjaman buku teks di sekolah agama dengan berhubung terus kepada pihak sekolah berkenaan. Di akhir majlis penutupan, Hamidon Jaafar, salah seorang penduduk kampung kawasan berkenaan berkata, beliau mengharapkan agar pihak Malakoff dapat menjalankan lagi pelbagai aktiviti bersama orang kampung dan menjadikan aktiviti ini sebagai aktiviti tahunan dan berharap agar anak-anak muda yang berkelulusan diploma dan ijazah akan diserap masuk bekerja dengan Malakoff supaya kadar pengangguran di kawasan berkenaan dapat dikurangkan.

  • Wang Kelian Hills Revisited

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Wang Kelian Hills Revisited 29 March 2010 It’s the first cycling event of the year and a decision was made that the hills of Wang Kelian will once again be the distinguisher between men and boys. After a 5-minute warm-up headed by Shahrom, helmets checked and shoes clipped on the pedals, around 25 cyclists were flagged off. The route was shaded by rubber trees at the beginning of the ride and the road was rolling with small climbs here and there – a nice warm-up for the planned 145km ride. The ‘train’ was fast, going at about 30-35km/h at times. Everyone was in high spirits and chatted along the way to fill in the gap between the whirring of the chains. The chatters subsided when they came to inclines and some stood up on the bike and ploughed their way through, mashing the pedals to reach the top. The first stop was at kilometer 55, just before the sugar cane fields at Chuping. It was around 10 am and the sun has started to show its streak. It’s going to be a scorching day by the looks of it. No clouds in the sky to shelter us, no rubber trees to offer a shade. Slap on the sunblock and face the sun, I’d say. After a few minutes break of water and bananas, the train again made its way to the sugar cane fields of Chuping. The signboard at the roundabout was a grim reminder of what’s ahead – that the area recorded the highest temperature of 42 degrees celsuis some time last year. The road was long and wide. The wind was unrelenting. It’s already bad enough that the day was hot. Coupled with the strong headwind, the cyclists now were forced to pedal down the hills to avoid being slowed down by the wind. The cemented road made it worse as the friction between the road and the tyres slowed the bike drastically and cyclists were forced to pedal harder in order to get the bikes moving. This caused some cyclists to cramp and some stopped for a few minutes to rest and treat their muscle cramps. However, the green fields of Chuping provided some relief with its lush green and swaying leaves that soothed the eyes and made them forget about the pain and the cramps that have started to creep in. Nevermind, only a few more kilos to go before the regroup stop at Caltex in Kangar. After a few minutes break of water and bananas, the train again made its way to the sugar cane fields of Chuping. The signboard at the roundabout was a grim reminder of what’s ahead – that the area recorded the highest temperature of 42 degrees celsuis some time last year. The road was long and wide. The wind was unrelenting. It’s already bad enough that the day was hot. Coupled with the strong headwind, the cyclists now were forced to pedal down the hills to avoid being slowed down by the wind. Moving on to the final part of the day – the last 45km with a 3km climb with the steepness of close to that of the road up to Genting Highlands! This was it, this was the determinant of what each cyclist were made of, whether one is a man or a wuss. Out of the 25 cyclists at the starting line, only a handful dared to face this arduous climb. One of them was Halim from Wirazone, who stayed on from the very beginning and determined to conquer the hills of Wang Kelian. One by one the pack trickled to form a straight line on the sloping road. Shahrom was in front, followed by Azli and Hamid. En Ahmad Jauhari didn’t fall far behind and stayed focus to reach the top. The road was getting steeper and sharp and winding at the same time. Come on, a little bit more. At times like these, only a strong mental ability that could help them overcome whatever fear or cramps that started to crawl into their weakening bodies. Seriously, at 100 over kilometers combined with a steep hill was enough to make any cyclist shy away and opt for the easier option – get on the van! It was a pleasant surprise to see Halim had stayed on the saddle and was determined to finish, no matter how long it takes for him to finish it. Applause and salute to all cyclists who managed to finish the ride in one piece. Alhamdulillah nobody was injured, apart from the normal cramps and muscle aches. This showed that the scorching sun, the relentless wind and the long steep hills were not an obstacle that cannot be defeated by the cyclists. Some heroes were born that day and the feeling of conquering the hills of Wang Kelian will be forever etched in their minds and their heroic stories will continue to be told for generations to come. Congratulations to all!

  • Malakoff Signs MoU with J-Power 2019

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Signs MoU with J-Power 2019 11 September 2019

  • Shajaratuddur Ibrahim

    Back Shajaratuddur Ibrahim Head, Business Development (Domestic) Department Shajaratuddur, a Malaysian, holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. He started his career with TNB in September 1997, as a legal executive, handling projects and business development matters. During his 16-year tenure in TNB, he was instrumental in various key projects and ventures, including TNB’s tariff reviews and PPA renegotiation exercises, privatisation of Lembaga Letrik Sabah, divestments of TNB’s local power plants and coal mine in Indonesia. His last position in TNB was as a General Manager in the President’s/CEO’s Office, before leaving for the role of Senior Vice President of Investment at Khazanah Nasional in February 2010, to oversee the power sector and Iskandar Development Region. He joined Malakoff in October 2012, as an Assistant Vice President of Special Projects. Since joining Malakoff, he had led a number of corporate and investment exercises leading to the successful bid for PD Power’s extension of PPA concession, acquisition of interest in a large scale solar project in Johor, winning bids for the development of two small hydro power projects in Pahang with total capacity of 55 MW and a 2.4 MW biogas project in Johor. The most recent corporate exercise that he has steered is the completion of the acquisition of 97.37% equity interest in Alam Flora Sdn. Bhd. from DRB-HICOM Group. He is one of the key team members in formulating the current Malakoff’s investment policy and strategic plan. In his capacity and current role as the Head of Business Development Department in Malakoff, he will continue to explore and pursue potential investments or growth opportunities for the company, locally and internationally.

  • RMID Hosts ‘Integrity Month’ to Raise Awareness on ABMS

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back RMID Hosts ‘Integrity Month’ to Raise Awareness on ABMS 30 September 2021 The month of September was officially recognised as Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) ‘Integrity Month’ where various activities were conducted to promote Group-wide awareness among staff on the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) requirement. This new initiative, introduced by the Risk Management and Integrity Department (“RMID”), is part of the Group’s efforts to comply with Section 17A of the MACC Act on Corporate Liability and the TRUST Principles on Adequate Procedures that was introduced by the Prime Minister Department’s Governance Integrity Anti-Corruption Centre (“GIACC”). This inaugural initiative was officiated on 1 September 2021 by our Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (“MD/CEO”), Encik Anwar Syahrin Bin Abdul Ajib and Malakoff’s Chairman, Datuk Haji Hasni Bin Harun. This was followed by an ‘Integrity Talk’ on Section 17A of MACC Act - Corporate Liability, delivered by a guest speaker from MACC focusing on the legal implications from bribery acts by referencing real-life cases for everyone to learn from. RMID organised a ‘Pantun Anti-Rasuah’ Contest from 1 – 20 September 2021 to promote the integrity culture while cultivating the habit of creative writing among Malakoff employees. On 17 September 2021, a forum entitled ‘Bicara Integriti’ by Ustaz Mohamad Wadi Annuar Bin Ayub was held to emphasise on the dangers of sinful acts of bribery from an Islamic perspective. In addition, as an effort to encourage staff participation, two interactive game-based activities (Integrity Info Hunt and Integrity Live Quiz) were conducted virtually on 24 and 30 September 2021 respectively. These games, which were conducted in a fun way, were aimed at increasing our staff's understanding and awareness on ABMS-related policies and procedures. Additionally, a ‘Weekly Integrity Quote’ was circulated to all staff to serve as a reminder on integrity and anti-bribery matters. As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end”. The ‘Integrity Month’ finally wrapped up with a closing ceremony held on 1 October where attendees were eligible to participate in a lucky draw contest and winners from the previously held contests were also announced. Encik Anwar Syahrin graced the closing ceremony by highlighting the importance of continuously upholding a high integrity culture not only at the workplace, but also in our daily lives. Congratulations to all winners and a huge appreciation to all staff that made the event a success!

  • Malakoff IPO Listing Day 2015

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff IPO Listing Day 2015 14 August 2015

  • Friendly Football with MESTECC 2018

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Friendly Football with MESTECC 2018 25 October 2018

  • Malakoff Bids Farewell to Port Dickson Power Plant

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Bids Farewell to Port Dickson Power Plant 6 March 2019 After 24 years of being in operation, Port Dickson Power Plant (“PDPP”), wholly owned by Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”), gathered its staff for one last time in a farewell ceremony held on 7 March 2019. The plant ceased operation on 28 February 2019, as the plant’s Extended Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) expired, following its original 21-year PPA that ended in 2016. The ceremony, attended by Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali, CEO of Malakoff, saw all of PDPP’s existing and ex-staff together under one roof to celebrate their accomplishments throughout the years. Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad acknowledged that PDPP’s achievements would not have been made possible without the contribution of those who were the backbone of PDPP’s operations. “I would like to thank the past and present staff of PDPP who had worked hard to ensure the excellence of the Plant. Your blood, sweat and tears for the past 25 years of operations is highly appreciated and will be remembered,” he added. PDPP received the license to operate as an Independent Power Producer (“IPP”) from the Government in 1993, following which the construction of the RM700 million plant at Tanjung Gemok, Port Dickson soon commenced. Scheduled to start its operation 13 months after the start of construction, the hard work and sheer determination of the contractors and staff paid off when PDPP was completed five months ahead of schedule. The first gas turbine started its operation on 29 July 1994, making PDPP the first out of five IPPs to start its gas turbine operation. Later, the three other units followed suit in a span of one month and PDPP began to supply electricity to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (“TNB”) on 2 September 1994. In 2014, Malakoff acquired Sime Darby Power Generation Division and PDPP became a wholly owned subsidiary of Malakoff. After the expiry of its PPA, PDPP entered into a 3-year extended PPA with TNB in 2016 that came to an end on 28 February 2019. Mr. Sankar MK Samy, who served as the Plant Manager for PDPP for 5 years, called the staff a “dedicated bunch of people”. He recalled the national power outage in 1996, when PDPP was able to be up and running within an hour and ready to provide power to the grid, an indication of the dedication and efficiency of the staff and plant. To most of them, PDPP was their initial training ground to learn the basic fundamentals of operating a power plant and most of them steadily built their career paths at the plant. Subsequently, together with their fellow comrades, they advanced their operational knowledge to ensure that PDPP was operated smoothly. The audience were also taken down the memory lane with the viewing of a video aptly titled “PDPP in Memory” that showcased of the plant’s history and achievements which left most of them teary-eyed. As a token to the staff who had served the plant for 20 years or more, Dato’ Fuaad presented each of them with certificates of appreciation. To symbolise the closing of PDPP, the event concluded with a key handover ceremony, where Ir. Mat Nasir Mohamed, the last PDPP Plant Manager presented a GE Frame 9E crossfire tube, an actual part of the combustion section of the gas turbine as a memento to Dato’ Fuaad.

  • Bowling with NRECC

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Bowling with NRECC 27 October 2023

  • Long Term Service Awards 2015

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Long Term Service Awards 2015 2 October 2015

  • Save Our Forest 2011

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Save Our Forest 2011 20 November 2011

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