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  • Malakoff Contributes its Wakalah Zakat in Conjunction with Aidilfitri

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Contributes its Wakalah Zakat in Conjunction with Aidilfitri 3 May 2021 On 4 May 2021, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) handed over a total of RM74,700 out of its ‘Wakalah Zakat’ fund to the Mukim Serkat and Kg Segari communities. The ceremony was held at Masjid Al-Amin Kg Sg Dinar and Masjid Khairul Jariah respectively, and in compliant with strict Standard Operating Procedures (“SOPs”). This yearly initiative is part of Malakoff’s Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) efforts and aimed at providing financial relief for families and individuals during Hari Raya. Apart from contributions to families and individuals, Malakoff also contributed its ‘Wakalah Zakat’ fund to nine mosques and ‘surau’ adjacent to its power plants in Tanjung Bin and Segari. In Mukim Serkat, the ceremony was officiated by Tanjung Bin Power Plant Manager, Encik Kopli Bin Yunus and attended by the Village Chief, Encik Zool Shuhaifi Bin Kassim and the Village Head of Kawasan 1 Mukim Serkat, Encik Ab Samir Bin Mahadi. A total of RM59,700 was handed over as part of Malakoff’s contributions to 199 ‘asnaf’ in Kawasan 1 Mukim Serkat. Additionally, Malakoff also contributed RM103,000 to be utilised for upkeeping and religious activities at eight mosques and ‘surau’ in Mukim Serkat. Encik Kopli Bin Yunus was overwhelmed by the amount of support shown by the community leaders in materialising this initiative. “It is evident that all of us share a common mission, and that is to ensure the ‘asnaf’ are able to celebrate Aidilfitri with minimal shortage of supplies and religious sanctuaries are well-kept and maintained all throughout the year”. While in Lumut, a total of RM15,000 was handed over to 50 ‘asnaf’ and RM24,000 to Masjid Khairul Jariah by Lumut Power Plant Manager, Encik Lan Sukaimy Bin Md Yusof. “Although this is a yearly affair, we can feel the impact from last year’s economy still spilling over to this year and assistance and aid are badly needed for the underprivileged to survive daily. Everyone is doing all they can to ensure they can provide for their children and it is even more heart breaking that some are not even able to buy ‘baju raya’ for their children during the Aidilfitri celebration due to financial constraints”, said Encik Lan Sukaimy. “We want to give them something to look forward to, hence, we hope with our contribution, we are able to ease their burden even by a little and give meaning to their Aidilfitri celebration again.” Meanwhile, Encik Zool Shuhaifi is optimistic that such initiatives will not only tighten the relationship between Malakoff and the local communities but can provide a morale boost for the recipients. “I appreciate the efforts by Malakoff in ensuring that the welfare of the community here is always taken care of. I hope this relationship can continue and blossom even more”. Malakoff’s CSR activities continue to be a cornerstone of its foundation for sustainable development, as we work closely with the local communities to ensure that their needs and well-being are taken care of.

  • Malakoff Futsal Tournament 2022

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Futsal Tournament 2022 24 June 2022

  • Malakoff Anjur Perlawanan Persahabatan Golf bersama Pihak Berkuasa Perak 2015

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Anjur Perlawanan Persahabatan Golf bersama Pihak Berkuasa Perak 2015 13 June 2015 Satu pertandingan golf persahabatan di antara Malakoff dan pihak berkuasa Perak telah berlangsung di Damai Lauf Golf & Country Club, Lumut, Perak pada hari Ahad, 14 Jun 2015. Seramai 20 pemain golf daripada Majlis Perbandaran Manjung, Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontijen (IPK) Manjung, Pejabat Daerah Manjung dan Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH) Perak menyertai pertandingan kali ini. Pertandingan ini bertujuan untuk mengeratkan hubungan kerja di antara Malakoff dan pihak berkuasa tempatan. Encik Nordin Kasim selaku Naib Presiden Kanan, Malakoff Power Berhad, mewakili pihak pengurusan telah mengetuai pasukan golf Malakoff pada pertandingan tersebut. Encik Wan Soon Kheng yang mewakili Pejabat Daerah Manjung telah diumumkan sebagai pemenang pertandingan persahabatan pada tahun ini. Ia diikuti oleh Dato’ Zamri bin Man (Majlis Perbandaran Manjung) dan Inspektor Eddy Lau (IPK Manjung). Majlis berakhir dengan penyampaian hadiah kepada para pemenang oleh Encik Nordin Kassim. Pemenang Tempat pertama : Encik Wan Soon Kheng (Pejabat Daerah Manjung) – 38 mata Tempat kedua : Dato Zamri bin Man (Majlis Daerah Manjung) – 35 mata Tempat ketiga : Inspektor Eddy Lau (IPK Manjung) – 34 mata

  • Iftar with Stakeholders 2019

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Iftar with Stakeholders 2019 14 May 2019

  • Sustainability Statement 2018

    Enhancing the quality of life and empowering the communities where we operate Back Sustainability Statement 2018 Malakoff Annual Report 2018 - Sustainability Statement SUSTAINABILITY AT MALAKOFF At Malakoff, we are on a journey of balancing both the exploration of new ideas on sustainability and entrenching the steps that have already been taken. As a leading regional independent power and water producer, we strive to ensure our sustainability goals are relevant and contribute significantly to the advancement of the industry’s ecosystem. Historically, the power industry depended on fossil fuel energy sources such as oil, gas and coal which may have adverse impact on the environment. Global utilities particularly the Europeans are moving aggresively towards renewable energy. CAPITALISING ON GLOBAL TRENDS According to ExxonMobil’s Outlook for Energy: A view to 2040, the world population is expected to reach 9.2 billion by 2040, up from 7.7 billion today. Over that period, global Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) will likely double. As a result, the per capita GDP is projected to rise signifi cantly particularly in the non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) countries. This growth will coincide with improved living standards, resulting in rising energy usage particularly in Asian countries like China and India. Global electricity demand is projected to rise by 60% between 2016 and 2040. Renewable Energy (“RE”), mainly solar and wind, is expected to triple between now and 2040 and will help lower CO2 intensity by around 30%. ACCELERATING THE GOVERNMENT’S PUSH FOR RE The Malaysian Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (“MESTECC”) has set a goal of achieving 20% electricity generation through RE by 2025, a signifi cant increase from the 2% currently. In line with the Government’s aspiration, Malakoff is also aggressively pursuing an RE target of more than 1,000 MW (power generation capacity) by 2023. The proposed acquisition of Alam Flora Sdn Bhd serves as a stepping stone for the Group to penetrate the Waste Management and Environmental Services sector. Besides the opportunity to participate in this high growth sector through Alam Flora’s exclusive concession, Malakoff will also be able to leverage on waste as a source of energy thus complementing its power generating activities. The Group will also be able to play a role in accelerating the Government’s zero-single use plastic roadmap by 2030, through Alam Flora’s non-concession business which deals with recycling initiatives and waste treatment technology. The concept of 3R – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – will be crucial in reducing plastic pollution. ENHANCING OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE The Group continues to maintain sustainable performance through continuous improvements in operational efficiency. Continuous business improvement undertaken include creating an innovative culture, implementing best practices across our operations and ensuring a safe working environment. EMPOWERING PEOPLE Having a robust and energised workforce ensures that business goals and aspirations are attainable particularly in a challenging business environment. THE PATH AHEAD Moving forward, our business strategy will focus on adapting to the new way of doing business taking into consideration the rapid transformation in the power generation industry. Whilst we will continue in our efforts to achieve operational excellence for our plants, the Group will aggressively pursue opportunities in high growth areas in both conventional and RE power generation as well as waste management and environment related services to achieve sustainable growth for Malakoff. DATO’ AHMAD FUAAD KENALI Chief Executive Officer For the full Sustainability Statement as published in the Malakoff Annual Report 2018, kindly follow the button below: Document Malakoff Annual Report 2018 - Sustainability Statement

  • Long Term Service Awards 2017

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Long Term Service Awards 2017 13 October 2017

  • Malakoff Taja Umrah Dua Penghidap Barah

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Taja Umrah Dua Penghidap Barah 27 April 2017 Penantian dua pesakit barah otak untuk menunaikan umrah berakhir apabila impian mereka direalisasikan oleh Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”). Pada 28 April 2017, satu pertemuan bersama kedua kanak-kanak tersebut telah diadakan di kediaman rasmi Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Idris Haron. Zarifah Zahraa Zamry, 11, dan Mohamad Uthman Mohamad Saiful, 7, masing-masing telah menerima pakej menunaikan umrah daripada Malakoff, beserta wang tunai RM2,000 daripada Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) dan sumbangan peribadi daripada Datuk Seri Idris Haron. Sebagai sebuah syarikat korporat yang prihatin terhadap nasib yang menimpa kedua-dua kanak-kanak tersebut, sumbangan pakej umrah tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi hadiah seterusnya menjadi pemangkin semangat kepada mereka untuk terus berjuang melawan penyakit. Zarifah Zahraa, yang ditemani ibu bapa, Hasnilah Abdullah, 48, dan Zamry Abd Rasip, 49, sama sekali tidak menyangka akan menerima sumbangan sedemikian. "Saya gembira dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada syarikat Malakoff, termasuk kerajaan negeri dengan sumbangan yang diberikan serta berazam untuk cepat sembuh bagi mengerjakan umrah bersama ahli keluarga.” Zarifah juga menyatakan hasrat untuk berdoa supaya dia sembuh dari penyakit yang dihidapi, sekaligus agar dia dapat membantu ibunya dan berjumpa kembali dengan rakan sekolah. Ibu Mohamad Uthman, Norafidah Yahya, 32, mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada kerajaan negeri serta pihak yang sudi menghulurkan sumbangan itu. "Anak saya kini beransur pulih dan sedang menjalani rawatan susulan. Dengan sumbangan ini dapat mengurangkan sedikit beban dalam perbelanjaan," katanya ditemani suami, Mohamad Saiful Jadin, 33. Sumbangan disampaikan Ketua Perhubungan Korporat dan Pengurusan Pemegang Berkepentingan Malakoff, Yusop Rashid, dan Timbalan Pengerusi MAIM, Datuk Wira Yaakub Md Amin.

  • Alam Flora Wins River of Life Public Outreach Programme Phase 5 Award 2020

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Alam Flora Wins River of Life Public Outreach Programme Phase 5 Award 2020 8 November 2020 Alam Flora Sdn Bhd (“Alam Flora”), a subsidiary of Malakoff, was awarded the River of Life Public Outreach Programme Phase 5 (“ROLPOP5”) Award 2020 under the ‘Industry, Corporate and Developers’ category. The award was presented by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (“DID”) Malaysia and the Global Environment Centre (“GEC”) during a virtual award ceremony held on 9 November 2020. Alam Flora’s CEO, YBhg. Dato’ Hj. Mohd Zain bin Haji Hassan, received the award on behalf of the company. ROLPOP5 was established to reward and recognise different target groups within the Phase 5 area such as Taman Melati, Gombak, Setapak, Lembah Pantai and Damansara, that are dedicated to enhancing, protecting and contributing positive impact environmentally towards the River of Life initiative. It aims to raise awareness among the public and encourage the target groups to take concern and care of the river. A total of 71 submissions were received for nomination and evaluation by a panel of judges consisting of the Federal Territories Ministry (“KWP”), DID and UKM LESTARI. Speaking on the win, Dato’ Zain emphasised that, “Being one of the industry leaders, we have a responsibility in committing to help raise awareness among the public to care and protect the environment through programmes such as this. We are grateful for this award and this recognition certainly helps boost our morale and motivation in keeping high standards when it comes to providing the best services to the public”.

  • ISES 2022 - Empowering Energy Transition

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back ISES 2022 - Empowering Energy Transition 29 August 2022 In line with its strategic roadmap towards becoming a more sustainably conscious organisation, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) had recently participated in the International Sustainable Energy Summit (“ISES”) 2022 held from 29 to 30 August 2022 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. ISES is a biennial event that serves as a knowledge-based platform specifically focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Yang Amat Berhormat (“YAB”) Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the event was organised by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (“SEDA”) Malaysia in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (“KeTSA”). Malakoff was one of the Platinum Strategic Partners, in support of the event. The summit began with a welcoming speech by the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yang Berhormat (“YB”) Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan. This was followed by a keynote address highlighting this year’s theme, “Empowering Energy Transition” by the Director General of International Renewable Energy Agency (“IRENA”), His Excellency Francesco La Camera, who shared key data on RE trends and insights on the forthcoming Malaysian Energy Transition Outlook. The Prime Minister was then invited to the stage to address the attendees who comprised industry leaders and experts, before officiating the summit. Focusing his speech on the future of RE in Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri concluded by announcing that the Government is building Malaysia’s first green energy islands at Pulau Redang and Pulau Perhentian, which will supply consumers there with 24-hour electricity by 2025. The pioneering project will be supplied with a consistent, affordable and low-carbon supply of electricity, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 70% from 2022 levels. After the officiation ceremony, the Prime Minister made his way to visit the corporate booths. He was greeted by our Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Ir. Ahmad Tajuddin Ali and- Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer Yang Berusaha Encik Anwar Syahrin Abdul Ajib at Malakoff’s Pavillion. Malakoff’s subsidiaries, Malakoff Radiance Sdn Bhd (“Malakoff Radiance”), Malakoff Technical Solutions Sdn Bhd (“MTSSB”), Alam Flora Sdn Bhd (“Alam Flora”) as well as Alam Flora Environmental Solutions (“AFES”) were present throughout the conference to showcase their products and services, addressing queries from visitors while engaging with business prospects and exchanging thoughts with other industry experts. Overall, the event brought about key insights and discussions that include envisioning the future of the electricity market to achieve the Government’s RE target in the national capacity mix of 31% by 2025 and 40% by 2035. Malakoff’s participation in ISES 2022 is certainly a testament to our commitment towards accelerating our efforts in RE and environmental solutions to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the country’s transition to be a Carbon-Neutral Nation by 2050.

  • Malakoff Receives Recognition as Lembaga Tabung Haji’s Sahabat Korporat 1443H/2022M

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Receives Recognition as Lembaga Tabung Haji’s Sahabat Korporat 1443H/2022M 19 October 2022 On 19 October 2022, Malakoff Corporation Berhad (“Malakoff”) was honoured with a recognition for being a Corporate Partner to Lembaga Tabung Haji (“LTH”) season 1443H/2022M in accordance with the Islamic calendar. The event was held at Dewan Besar, Menara TH Tun Razak and graciously witnessed and attended by the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office (Religion Relations), YB Senator Datuk Hj Idris Haji Ahmad, Group Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of LTH, Dato' Sri Amrin Awaluddin and Hajj Executive Director, Dato' Sri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman. The recognition ceremony was held as part of a thanksgiving event to commemorate the end of Hajj operations. Malakoff was represented by Encik Nik Armizam bin Nik Mohamed, Head of Tax from Malakoff’s Group Finance Division. Malakoff is one of the 12 strategic partners for LTH under the Corporate Partner Programme for Season 1443H/2022M where a donation sum of RM1.8 million from the 12 corporations involved were channelled to TH for the necessities needed during the Hajj operations this year. The Group is proud to be associated with LTH for this noble cause as we continue to play our part in contributing to the welfare of the pilgrims.

  • Malakoff Grooms Young Leaders

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back Malakoff Grooms Young Leaders 20 October 2013 24 UNITEN Students Selected for Company’s Talent Development Programme Malakoff Corporation Berhad (Malakoff) has awarded 24 promising undergraduates from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) with placements under the Malakoff-UNITEN Talent Acceleration Programme (MUTAP), as part of its commitment to nurture young Malaysians to become future leaders. The talent development effort initiated by Malakoff and UNITEN in collaboration with Leaderonomics offers students a year-long experiential learning programme, enabling them to develop new skills including critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation through hands-on experience as well as coaching sessions. Speaking at the event, Bani Zainal, Senior Vice President, Corporate Services Division, Malakoff, said, “At Malakoff, we proactively engage with local universities and contribute to the development of young talents through efforts including MUTAP, in line with Malaysia’s vision to invest in human capital as a key enabler to build a knowledge-intensive and high-income nation.” “Through MUTAP, we hope to nurture our bright graduates for leadership roles with hands-on job experience and ample opportunities to develop their potential. This is part of our commitment to work with local universities to ensure a sustainable pipeline of talent for the industry,” he added. The year-long MUTAP will adopt a 70-20-10 learning approach, which is a proven methodology to increase learning effectiveness and ensure skills retention as compared to formal training. Students will devote 70% of their time on live and action-based learning projects, supported by 20% mentoring as well as coaching sessions, with the remaining 10% on formal courses and reading. The selected 24 high achievers are currently in their third and fourth year from the Faculty of Electricity and Electronics, Electrical Power, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Information Technology of UNITEN. Recognising the importance of diversity in any given organisation, Malakoff has also shortlisted four international students from Yemen, Palestine, Sudan, and Jordan to participate in the programme to foster better intercultural communication among the students. Dato' Prof. Ir. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research) said, “We take pride in promoting lifelong and continuous learning in our students as we firmly believe that we need to be constantly exposed to new skills and knowledge in order to remain competitive in today’s economic environment.” “I applaud Malakoff’s long-term commitment and collaboration in ensuring that our graduates are well equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their careers through various efforts including MUTAP,” he added. Earlier this month, Malakoff also saw the kick-off of the Leadership Club at UNITEN, which is a key step in driving student engagement. The Club currently comprises 37 students from various faculties and age group pledging to spearhead youth leadership at the university. Over and above MUTAP, Malakoff initiated the “Share Us Your Love” programme in 2010 as a platform for UNITEN students to conduct a motivation and self-development camp for the children of Rumah Jagaan Siraman Kasih. The following year, the Company partnered with the graduates again for the project and helped mentor over 200 students from Sekolah Agama Rakyat Al-Ansar, specifically on self-development and religious education. Elaborating further on the Malakoff’s plan to roll-out the Talent Acceleration Programme, Bani added, “We are looking to expand the programme to other universities. We recognise that talent development is an ongoing process and requires significant time and resources, which Malakoff is committed to offer.” For more details on these and other initiatives by Malakoff, please visit

  • MIFR 2011 - Day 2

    Sharing important news and updates for you and the community Back MIFR 2011 - Day 2 27 December 2011

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